GSoC 2022 with OpenMRS: Week 07
The Week 07 of Google Summer of Code started on 25th of July. This week the our mid-term evaluations period started and my main goals for this week is to send the pull request of the schema editor, update the design and start the development of the save form feature.
This mid term evaluation is a period of 4 days where the contributor and the mentor should complete a feedback form. In order to continue the project the contributor must pass this phase. The mentor can pass/fail a contributor according to the progress of the project. Once passed the first stipend will be paid. As this is the first thing in the week I filled the feedback form and submitted it. On 29th the mid-term evaluations ended and I received an email on 30th that I had passed the evaluation.
Next I sent the pull request on the schema editor component. In the initial PR when fetching the schema it displayed the template schema, so I improved it to display to Loading…
in the editor when the schema is loading. The pull request is still under review and I hope to get it merged by next week.
About a few weeks ago I shared a few UI designs of the form builder with the community. Thanks to Ciaran who is a UX design lead at OpenMRS, he provided me with some really helpful feedback about the designs. He pointed out few improvements on the data table in the dashboard and in the form editor component. With this feedback I updated the design of the interfaces as follows.
Next task was to start working on the save form feature. In this feature a user should be able to create a new form, update a form or save a new version of a form. If the user selects the Create New Form option in the dashboard then the user can create a new schema and save the new form to the server. But if the user selects an existing form in the dashboard then the user either can update the form data (Name, version, encounter type, description) or save it as a new version.
These are the tasks that I was able to complete within this week. Next week my plan is to complete the save form feature and start working on the interactive builder. Thank you for reading, Stay tuned and check back next week for the eighth week’s blog post. Peace ✌️